Commercial Liquor Liability
Are You Looking for a Liquor Liability Attorney?
“Commercial liquor liability” refers to the liability that arises when a commercial establishment, such as a restaurant, bar or tavern, serves alcohol to a visibly intoxicated customer. If an individual is harmed by the intoxicated actions of an over-served person, the business that provided the alcohol to its visibly intoxicated customer is responsible for those harms.
Oregon and Washington have very specific commercial liquor liability laws that provide for compensation for the injured party. However, these can be very difficult cases that require extensive investigation, which ideally must begin as soon as possible after the injury. To protect your interests as well as possible, it’s critical that you find an attorney at a law firm who understands the intricacies of commercial liquor liability laws. At the Law Office of Gregory E. Price, we can help you through what can be a very difficult process.
For a free consultation, call us at (360) 828-5879, or fill out our “Contact Us” form. We will be happy to talk to you about the specific details of your case and answer any questions you may have.